It's okay to play with your food...sometimes. :)
Photos sent to me by my sister-in-law, Debbie.
ABOVE: Pretty...this looks like it belongs on a necklace or something...
ABOVE: Ginger bubbles are a very nice touch.
ABOVE: I'm really, really NOT into these watermelon ones. I think the flesh looks entirely too bloody.
ABOVE: guess is that it's supposed to be a bichon frise. With boobs.
ABOVE: I think this is my favorite in the "cute" category. This monkey looks fabulous!
ABOVE: Chicks flying the coop! Very cute.
ABOVE: Laurel and Hardy, Abbot and Costello, Siskel and Ebert—take your pick.
ABOVE: This looks like some giant carnivorous plant I've seen on the Discovery Channel that is supposed
to smell like rotting flesh. I'm sure the artist wanted those watermelons to look like roses, but....
ABOVE: I actually think this is a little bit frightening, especially the stubby apple arms, man. Looks like
the rabbit had a bad accident.
ABOVE: Verrry reminiscent of Bert and Ernie...but fruity...which is kinda redundant cuz, oh, never mind.
Copyright ©2001-08 Jenny Eng, All rights reserved.