I was stoked to design a flyer for the
Rickshaw Stop's 2005 New Year's Eve event. Seeing as the headliners
were laptop DJs like the Gold Chains and Sue Cie, and Hey
Willpower, as well as a strong line-up of DJs, I definitely
wanted the theme to be heavily electro-retro, done up in fun,
bright colors in order to grab people's attention amongst
all the other party fliers and posters for NYE05. My client
taught me fairly quickly after the first round of design that
the contrast between text and background would have to be
extreme in orderfor the text to be legible in a nightclub
setting—certainly a new design constraint for me, and
a fun challenge at that.
I decided to base the design theme around
the Tomy Mr. DJ doll because of the obvious connection to
all the DJs that would be performing later in the evening,
and also to play off of the intense interest in the '80's
culture currently. Since many Gen X'ers and Post-Its were
the most likely audience for the bands performing, I figured
a nostalgic appeal to their '80's childhoods would be a compelling
hook. It would be fun and eye-catching, as well as a quick
nod to the retro-electroclash elements often heard in today's
dance music.
Well, it worked! The event a sellout well
in advance of NYE.